Committee Structure – Composition and Function

The Executive Committee
The composition and general powers of the Executive Committee are specified in article V of the Bylaws of the Foundation and restated below.

The Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Board of Trustees, the immediate Past President and the Chairs of the Standing Committees. The President of the Board is the Chair of the Executive Committee.

The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to transact necessary business between meetings of the Board of Trustees and such other business as may be provided for in these by-laws or as may be referred to it by the Board of Trustees.

Standing Committees

From the Bylaws: The list of these committees is attached to the by-laws but may be revised by the Executive Committee alone. The standing committees are composed by the President.

The functions of these committees may be revised by the Executive Committee. In all cases the activities of the standing committees are subject to the review and approval of the Executive Committee of the Foundation.

Academic Enrichment Grants Committee The general purpose of the committee is to plan and administer foundation programs and activities which provide forms of enrichment for students and professional staff of the MISD schools. Its primary responsibility is the foundation’s program of mini-grants for teachers, but it also considers and recommends to the Executive Committee proposals for other grants and enrichment activities.

Tuition Assistance Committee This Committee composes the application form and the evaluation forms for tuition assistance and revises these forms as needed. The committee reviews the applications for tuition assistance and determines the amount of individual grants. These determinations are made in the spring for the following year and announced in May. The amounts assigned are based on the applications and on the amount of money assigned to that purpose by the Executive Committee. The funds for this activity are raised explicitly for this purpose and are tracked separately in the tuition subaccount of the Foundation operating accounts.

Endowments Committee (Added Feb. 5, 2007) This committee promotes the Foundation’s endowment program. The committee also composes the application forms and the evaluation forms for scholarships and grants that are funded by the Foundation’s endowment accounts and revises these forms as needed (except for those funds whose profile provides for some other method). Each year the committee will review each endowment account and, in accordance with that account’s profile, advise the Executive Committee as to the maximum amount that can be granted from that account for that year. The Executive Committee will set the amount for each grant. These determinations are made in the fall and notice will be given to the school community of what is available. The committee will accept and review applications for each grant and will make individual grants in the spring for the following year. The funds for these grants come from the increases in the Foundation’s endowment accounts. The principal of the Foundation’s endowment accounts shall not be invaded.

Revised July, 2007

Community Relations Committee (Added February 3, 2013) The committee helps organize and implement lines of communication among the foundation, the schools, and the community. It publishes information, organizes contact with community groups and individuals, sponsors events, and assists other committees as needed. Among its specific responsibilities, the committee maintains the foundation website; updates foundation alumni and friends contact information; prepares messages, photos, and documents to be circulated by mail, email, or social media; distributes news releases; maintains contact with school liaisons; and organizes events to celebrate school successes and develop interest in foundation programs, functions, and activities. Anyone in the community may serve on the committee, but the chair must be a foundation member.

Finance Committee (reconstituted Sept. 21, 2018) The committee plans and manages triennial fundraisers, explores ways to raise funds at other times, and coordinates with the Ad Hoc Investments Committee and Treasurer in managing foundation accounts.