What is the Foundation?

The Foundation for Excellence is a private, independent, non-profit corporation founded in 1986 by former students, faculty and friends of the Murray Independent School District who support its programs and services. With your contribution the Foundation will remain a viable and active organization.

What does the Foundation do?

The Foundation’s purpose is to provide enhanced opportunities such as enriched art, science and music programs, innovative teaching methods, and many other challenging educational opportunities. Our mini-grants help our teachers to develop innovative methods to educate our children. We provide tuition assistance to families who feel the educational opportunities in our system best meet the needs of their children. One of our proudest achievements was to fund the computer labs in the middle and elementary schools through project LEAP. We also maintain several endowment accounts which annually give scholarships to graduating seniors and/or support academic programs.

Why do we need an educational foundation?

If public schools are to equip students with what they need to join the adult world as capable, productive citizens, they must be responsive to the demands of a changing society. Unfortunately, school systems are sometimes unable to implement innovative ideas or take advantage of new technology because they lack the financial resources to do so. Through the Foundation, organizations and individuals can make contributions to the Murray Independent School District. With additional financial support our schools can do more and be more effective.

Are my gifts to the Foundation tax-deductible?

Yes! The foundation is a 501(c)3 corporation.

What kind of contributions do you accept?

1. You can make a gift online by going to the donation page

2. You can send a gift by check to:

Foundation for Excellence
Box 1417
Murray KY 42071

3. A long term arrangement can be made through wills, trusts, annuities, or assigned insurance policies.

Can I designate what my gift will be used for?

You can assign your gift to one of our activities or simply have it go into the General Fund which supports our general activities. Simply fill in the form on the donation page for an online gift or copy that page and include it with your check.

Can I honor or remember someone or something by my gift?

Yes. If you donate online, there is the option to give in honor or memory. If you donate by mail, just indicate who you wish to honor.

All contributions are maintained separately from the MISD funds and are managed by the Foundation trustees. For questions or more information about contributions email us at admin@murrayfoundation.net.

Be a part of the plan.

Help our teachers provide fun and innovative learning opportunities!