Robert Glin Jeffrey Scholarship — Shannon McClellan
Clara Waldrop Griffin Humphrey — Ryan Wezner
James H. Boone Scholarship — Robert Olive
Keeslar-Soltani Award — A. J. Bokeno & Lincoln Millere
23 students from 15 families received tuition assistance grants for 2011-12. The Etherton Speech Fund made assistance available to speech students.
What's a Mini-Grant?
Effective teachers use creative ideas to enrich students’ learning. For several years the foundation has provided funds with which professional staff could try out and refine new ways to learn. Called “mini-grants,” the projects usually are limited in scope and to $500 in cost, but successful projects can be renewed. Mini-grants are funded by donors, who may designate their contributions be used for a particular project or kind of project. The amount of annual funding and number of grants depends on the generosity of donors.
Tuition Assistance
Since 2005 friends of the MISD have donated over $120,000 to help pay part of the cost of tuition for students living in Calloway County outside the district boundaries.
Each year a committee conducts a blind review of application forms submitted by families and allocates funds available based on an evaluation of need and academic performance.
Families must apply by April 15 to be considered for an award.
Established 2012
The Eli and Sally Alexander family has always had strong ties to Murray High School and places a high value on education. Eli and their 3 sons Eli M. Jr., Jon M., and Stuart B, all graduated from Murray High School and Murray State University. Eli served the Murray Schools for 32 years as a teacher, coach, Principal and Assistant Superintendent; Sally was elected to the Murray Independent School District Board of Education where she served for twelve years; and Stuart served on the Board 2000-2016. The Alexander family has created this scholarship to assist others in obtaining an education and preparing for a career. The amount of the scholarship will be at least $1000.
The Eli and Sally Alexander family has always had strong ties to both Murray State University and Murray High School and places a high value on education. Eli and their 3 sons Eli M. Jr., Jon M., and Stuart B, all graduated from Murray High School and Murray State University. Eli served the Murray Schools for 32 years as a teacher, coach, Principal and Assistant Superintendent; Sally was elected to the Murray Independent School District Board of Education where she served for twelve years; and Stuart has served on the Board since 2000. The Alexander family has created this scholarship to assist others in obtaining an education and preparing for a career.
Eli M. and Sally L. Alexander Scholarship Fund was established to provide long term funding for Eli M. and Sally L. Alexander Scholarship. The scholarship shall be awarded to a Murray High School senior who has demonstrated integrity and good citizenship and a preference shall be given to students who have made the greatest contribution to the quality of life at Murray High School through their classroom and extracurricular leadership. Community activities and financial need may also be considered.
Recipient(s) shall have been enrolled at Murray High School for four consecutive years (freshman to senior); have been active in any sport at Murray High School; and must have maintained a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
Selection process
Awards shall be determined by a committee consisting of the Murray Independent School District Scholarship Committee and members of the Alexander family, and the Chair of the Endowments Committee of the MISD FFE. Final approval of the award selection(s) shall be made by the Alexander family, or representative(s) as long as they are willing and able. The amount of the award will be at least $1000.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2016
In order to perpetuate his legacy of “Living Life to the Fullest with No Regrets,” friends and family of Brad Barnett, a 1975 graduate of Murray High School who played for the 1974 State Football Champion MHS Tigers, have established a scholarship in his honor. The scholarship will be awarded each year to a graduating senior who best demonstrates the strength of character to overcome obstacles which Mr. Barnett exemplified during a seven-year battle with ALS: Courage. Hope. Positivity. Strength. Faithfulness. Compassion. Recipients may attend any post-secondary school and will be chosen from among nominations submitted to the counselor at Murray High School by March 31.
The fund has been established through memorial gifts from family and friends of Brad Barnett. Mr. Barnett was a 1975 graduate of Murray High School and played for the 1974 Kentucky State Football Champion MHS Tigers. The family wishes to perpetuate his legacy of “Living Life to the Fullest with No Regrets.”
The fund will be used to establish a scholarship to be awarded each year to a graduating MHS senior who best demonstrates the strength of character to overcome obstacles which Mr. Barnett exemplified during a seven year battle with ALS: Courage. Hope. Positivity. Strength. Faithfulness. Compassion.
Selection Process
Strength of character will be the primary criterion for selection. Any MHS graduating senior who plans to attend any post-secondary school may be nominated. No application will be required, but nominees may be asked to complete a questionnaire about their school and community activities.
Anyone who would like to nominate a student for consideration may send a letter discussing how the student matches the primary criterion to the MHS counselor by March 31.
Recipients of the scholarship will be chosen by a committee consisting of the MHS scholarship committee in consultation with the MHS football coach, a member of the foundation’s Endowments Committee, and a member of the Barnett family.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2010
This scholarship is provided by the Boone family in honor of James Howard Boone Sr. It will be given to a graduating senior of Murray High School who was active in athletics. The scholarship is not restricted to any particular institution. The amount of the scholarship is $1,000.
The James H. Boone Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by contributions from the public to recognize and honor the outstanding accomplishments of Mr. James H. Boone, a successful Murray businessman and Community Leader. The Murray Foundation for Excellence and the Boone Family do hereby establish these guidelines for the James H. Boone Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund.
James H. Boone Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund is established by the Boone family to provide long term funding for the James H. Boone Sr. Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship shall be awarded to a Murray High School senior who has been active in sports. For the full criteria see the application form. There is no restriction on the college that the student may attend.
Selection process
The recipients shall be selected annually by the Boone Scholarship Committee comprised of the principal, counselor and football coach of Murray High School, up to three (3) members of the Boone Family and a representative of the MISD Foundation for Excellence.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2011
This scholarship to Murray State University is provided by the Carroll family in honor of Tommy Carroll, a Murray businessman. It will be given to a graduating senior of Murray High School who was active in athletics. The amount of the scholarship is $1,500. See the Applications tab to download a form or see the school counselor.
The Tommy Carroll Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by contributions from the family and friends of Hugh Thomas Carroll to recognize and honor his outstanding accomplishments. Mr. Carroll attended Murray High School from 1949-53. While he was there he lettered in baseball for 5 years and was in the Murray High School Baseball Fall of Fame. He also lettered in football all 4 years. Subsequently he established the Carroll Volkswagon dealership and became a successful Murray businessman and community leader for 52 years. The Murray Foundation for Excellence and the Carroll Family do hereby establish these guidelines for the Tommy Carroll Memorial Scholarship Fund.
The Tommy Carroll Memorial Scholarship Fund is established by the Carroll family and friends to provide long term funding for the Tommy Carroll Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship to attend Murray State University shall be awarded to a Murray High School senior each spring for the following year. For the full criteria see the application form.
Selection process
The recipients shall be selected annually by the Foundation for Excellence Endowments Committee in accordance with the criteria in the Guidelines below.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2020
The fund has been established through gifts from family and friends of the Craftons in recognition of their long-time support of MISD. Throughout their years in Murray, the Craftons supported the Murray schools through PTA, Band Boosters, Athletic Boosters, tutor program, many committees, and financial contributions. They have supported the community through leadership in the Murray Lions Club, the Murray Woman’s Club, and Murray First Methodist Church. The family wishes to perpetuate the legacy of support to the MISD and Murray State University with an endowed scholarship in their names. The fund will be used to establish a $1000 scholarship to be awarded each year to a graduating MHS senior attending Murray State University.
The fund has been established through gifts from family and friends of the Craftons in recognition of their long-time support of MISD. Throughout their years in Murray, the Craftons supported the Murray schools through PTA, Band Boosters, Athletic Boosters, tutor program, many committees, and financial contributions. They have supported the community through leadership in the Murray Lions Club, the Murray Woman’s Club, and Murray First Methodist Church. The family wishes to perpetuate the legacy of support to the MISD and Murray State University with an endowed scholarship in their names.
The fund will be used to establish a $1000 scholarship to be awarded each year to a graduating MHS senior attending Murray State University.
Selection Process
Preference and consideration in selection will be based on character, academic achievement, athletic or musical achievement, and community and church involvement, with additional consideration toward financial need. No application will be required, but nominees may be asked to complete an essay about their school and community activities.
Anyone nominating a student for consideration should send a letter outlining the student’s qualifications to the MHS principal.
Recipients of the scholarship will be chosen by scholarship committees within the MISD Foundation for Excellence and a member of the Crafton family.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Eligibility and Guidelines
No application is required, but nominees may be asked to complete an essay about their school and community activities.
The scholarship will be awarded each year to a graduating MHS senior based on character, academic achievement, athletic or musical achievement, and community and church involvement, with additional consideration toward financial need.
Any MHS graduating senior who plans to attend Murray State University may be nominated. Anyone who would like to nominate a student for consideration may send a letter discussing how the student matches the criteria to the MHS counselor by March 31.
Established 1988
Since 1989, this endowment has been available to fund an annual scholarship for a graduate of Murray High School. Robert Glin Jeffrey was a teacher, coach, principal, and, from 1977 to December 1988, the Superintendent of the Murray Independent School District. The scholarship is not restricted to any particular institution. At the time of his retirement the Board of Education established a scholarship award in his honor which is funded by contributions from the public.
Robert Glin Jeffrey was a teacher, coach, principal, and from 1977 to December, 1988 the Superintendent of the Murray Independent School District. At the time of his retirement the Board of Education established a scholarship award in his honor which is funded by contributions from the public. This endowment has been available to fund an annual scholarship for a graduate of Murray High School since 1989.
Criteria for the award
The Robert Glin Jeffrey Scholarship recipient will be designated in the spring of each year. The Scholarship is open to a senior at Murray High School. The recipient of the Robert Glin Jeffrey Scholarship will excel in one or more of the following: scholarship, leadership, or service. Financial need may also be considered.
Selection process for the award
The recipient is selected in a manner to be determined by the Board of Trustees of the MISD FFE. It may ask the teachers and other school officials at Murray High School to make or help make the selection.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Eligibility and Guidelines
A scholarship will be awarded each spring to a senior at Murray High School. Recipients must excel in one or more of the following: scholarship, leadership, or service.
Established 2018
A scholarship fund has been established by members of the MHS class of 1995 to honor their classmate Connie Payne. Connie was elected class president for four years, voted class favorite for three years, and named Best All Around student as a senior. She competed in basketball and track each year; was a member of Tri-Alpha, French Club, Black History Club, and Student Council; and was inducted into Who’s Who Among American High School Students. Her classmates remember her best as a true friend and role model who led by example.
The fund has been established by members of the MHS class of 1995 to honor their classmate Connie Payne. Connie was elected class president for four years, voted class favorite for three years, and named Best All Around student as a senior. She competed in basketball and track each year; was a member of Tri-Alpha, French Club, Black History Club, and Student Council; and was inducted into Who’s Who Among American High School Students. Her classmates remember her best as a true friend and role model who led by example.
The fund will be used to provide a scholarship to be awarded each year to a graduating MHS senior who will enroll as a full-time student at an accredited university to prepare for a career in public school education.
Selection Process
Graduating students whose career plans fulfill the purpose shall submit a completed application to the foundation. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.75 or better, have attended MHS for four consecutive years, and have demonstrated the leadership qualities of integrity and good citizenship in classroom and extracurricular activities. Community service and financial need may be considered.
Recipients of the scholarship will be chosen by a committee consisting of the MHS Scholarship Committee, a member of the Payne family, and the Chair of the MISD Foundation Endowments Committee.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Eligibility and Guidelines
A scholarship will be awarded each year to a graduating MHS senior who will enroll full-time student at an accredited university to prepare for a career in public school education.
Applicants must have
a. a GPA of 2.75 or better,
b. attended MHS for four consecutive years,
c. demonstrated leadership qualities of integrity and good citizenship in classroom and extracurricular activities.
Community service and financial need may be considered.
Established 2017
A fund has been established by employees and friends of the MISD to honor Bob and Gayle Rogers for their many years of service as educators. The fund will support a scholarship for a graduating MHS senior who plans to attend Murray State University and prepare for a career in public education.
The fund has been established by employees and friends of the MISD to honor Bob and Gayle Rogers for their many years of distinguished service as educators.
The fund will be used to provide a scholarship to be awarded each year to a graduating MHS senior who plans to attend Murray State University and prepare for a career in public school education. Half the award will be made available upon enrollment at MSU and half upon enrollment in the teacher education program.
Selection process for the award
Graduating students whose career plans fulfill the purpose shall submit a completed application to the foundation. Applicants must provide evidence of a GPA of 3.0 or better, significant participation in at least one extra-curricular activity, and service within the schools or community. Applicants must include a personal statement explaining their choice of career and ways in which the scholarship will benefit them. They also must provide the names of two teachers who have agreed to write letters discussing how well the applicant fulfills the purpose and criteria for the award.
Recipients of the scholarship will be chosen by a committee consisting of the Career Guidance Counselor, a member of the Board of Education, Mr. or Mrs. Rogers or their representative, a Murray High teacher of either math or English, and a member of the foundation’s Endowments Committee. Download Application
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Eligibility and Guidelines
A scholarship will be awarded each year to a graduating MHS senior who plans to attend Murray State University and prepare for a career in public school education. Half the award will be made available upon enrollment at MSU and half upon enrollment in the teacher education program.
Completed applications must include two supplementary documents: a personal statement explaining applicants’ choice of career and ways in which the scholarship will benefit them, and statements from two teachers discussing how well the applicant fulfills the purpose and criteria for the award.
Applicants must provide evidence of
a. a GPA of 3.0 or better
b. significant participation in at least one extra-curricular activity
c. service within the schools or community.
Established 2021
Jack and Janice Rose initiated the fund with an agreement to create a scholarship by matching donations of as much as $25,000. The Jack and Janice Rose scholarship, managed by the MISD Foundation for Excellence, will be awarded to Murray High School students to attend Murray State University. Jack graduated from Murray High School, and he and his wife Janice have been financial supporters of the foundation. Both had long and distinguished careers in public education and public service. Jack served as Dean of the College of Education at Murray State University, as Superintendent of Calloway County Schools, and as Mayor of the city of Murray.
Jack and Janice Rose initiated the fund with an agreement to create a scholarship by matching donations of as much as $25,000. The Jack and Janice Rose scholarship, managed by the MISD Foundation for Excellence, will be awarded to Murray High School students to attend Murray State University. Jack graduated from Murray High School, and he and his wife Janice have been financial supporters of the foundation. Both had long and distinguished careers in public education and public service. Jack served as Dean of the College of Education at Murray State University, as Superintendent of Calloway County Schools, and as Mayor of the city of Murray.
The fund will be used to establish a scholarship to be awarded annually to a graduating MHS senior who will attend Murray State University. The foundation will send a check for half of the scholarship amount at the beginning of each semester.
Selection process
Graduating seniors may apply for the scholarship by completing a form available from counselors or on the foundation’s website. The form requires identification of persons who will provide letters of recommendation. Preference and consideration in selection may be based on such qualities as demonstrated character, achievements, and service. Financial need may be a significant factor; in the event no applicants have financial needs the aforementioned qualities may determine the selection. Recipients of the scholarship will be chosen by a committee consisting of the the MHS scholarship committee, a member of the foundation’s Endowments Committee, and a representative of the Rose family.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Eligibility and Guidelines
A scholarship will be awarded annually to a senior who will attend Murray State University.
Applications should identify persons who will provide letters of recommendation.
Selection will be based on demonstrated character, achievements, and service. Financial need may be a significant factor.
Established 2021
The fund has been established by Lisa Russell Hall to honor her parents, Allen and Mary Ann Russell, both of whom had a deep love for Murray High School. The fund will create two $1000 scholarships to be awarded annually to MHS graduates.
The fund has been established by Lisa Russell Hall to honor her parents, Allen and Mary Ann Russell, both of whom had a deep love for Murray High School.
Mr. Russell, Class of 1945, lettered in three sports while at Murray High. He played football and basketball at Murray State University. After earning his B.A. in Health and Physical Education and his M.A. in Education, he coached high school football for one year. Although pursuing other vocational endeavors, Mr. Russell continued to support Murray High athletics as he kept the clock for Murray High football games from 1946 until 1982. He also refereed First Region basketball for 25 years.
Mrs. Russell was valedictorian of the class of 1950. She received her B.A. and M.A. from Murray State University and her Ph.D. from Peabody College in Nashville, TN. Mrs. Russell taught English at Murray High for 32 years. Noted for her expertise in teaching Shakespearean literature, she received the Ashland, Inc. Teacher Achievement Award, the first teacher from Western Kentucky to receive this prestigious award.
The fund will be used to establish two scholarships to be awarded annually. 1. The Allen Russell scholarship will be awarded to a student who intends to major in physical education in college, with a view to becoming a coach. 2. The Mary Ann Russell scholarship will be awarded to a student who intends to major in English.
Selection process
Graduating seniors may apply for the scholarships by completing a form available from counselors or on the foundation’s website. The form requires identification of persons who will provide letters of recommendation, including a coach for the first scholarship and a teacher of English for the second.
Preference and consideration in selection will be based on such qualities as demonstrated character, achievements, and service. Financial need also may be considered.
Participation in sports, including participation as a manager or statistician, will be considered for the first scholarship; participation in creative writing activities or selection as the Outstanding Senior English Student may be considered for the second.
Recipients will be chosen by a committee consisting of the MHS scholarship committee, a member of the foundation’s Endowments Committee, and a representative of the Russell family.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Eligibility and Guidelines
Two scholarships will be awarded annually. Applications should identify persons who will provide letters of recommendation: a coach for the Allen Russell scholarship and a teacher of English for the Mary Ann Russell scholarship.
Demonstrated character, achievements, service, and financial need will be considered for both scholarships.
The Allen Russell Scholarship will also consider participation in sports, including participation as a manager or statistician. The Mary Ann Russell Scholarship will also consider participation in creative writing activities or selection as the Outstanding Senior English Student.
Established 2008
The purpose of the Alumni Band Fund is to both recognize and reward music students in the Murray Independent School District (MISD) who show a willingness to put in long hours of conscientious work as members of the Marching and Concert Bands in a program that has won (and continues to win) numerous awards for outstanding performances in regional, state, and national competitions. Resources from this fund will help make it possible for students of all economic backgrounds to participate fully in all band activities, assisting with travel and instruments as needed and to the extent that funds allow. The Murray High School Marching Band has a tradition of excellence going back over 40 years. This fund will help ensure that all MISD music students have the opportunity to continue this tradition, with the leadership and character-building opportunities it provides.
The purpose of the Alumni Band Fund is to both recognize and reward music students in the Murray Independent School District (MISD) who show a willingness to put in long hours of conscientious work as members of the Marching and Concert Bands in a program that has won (and continues to win) numerous awards for outstanding performances in regional, state, and national competitions. Resources from this fund will help make it possible for students of all economic backgrounds to participate fully in all band activities, assisting with travel and instruments as needed and to the extent that funds allow. The Murray High School Marching Band has a tradition of excellence going back over 40 years. This fund will help ensure that all MISD music students have the opportunity to continue this tradition, with the leadership and character-building opportunities it provides.
Guidelines for awards and grants
This fund will provide support for:
a. students in the band programs whose families are unable to fully support their participation in the program, and
b. performances, trips, and other activities that would not be funded from normal sources.
Selection process for grants and awards
Grants will be made by the MISD Foundation Endowments Committee based on proposals made by the Band Director at Murray High School or the Murray Middle School Band Director.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2016
Originating with a gift from former Murray High School football and soccer player Tim Masthay, the endowment has been established to help recognize the achievements of former athletes, teams, coaches, and contributors who have helped create the athletic heritage of Murray High School. Members in three categories–Athlete/Team (Players), Legend (Coaches), and Contributor–periodically will be inducted into the MHS Athletic Hall of Fame, and funds from the endowment will support appropriate awards and recognition ceremonies.
The fund has been established through a gift from former Murray High School football and soccer player Tim Masthay, who distinguished himself as a football player at the University of Kentucky and with the National Football League Green Bay Packers.
Earnings from the endowed fund will provide continuing means to recognize the achievements of former athletes, teams, coaches, and contributors who have helped create the athletic heritage of Murray High School. Members of the Hall of Fame will be recognized in three categories: Athlete/Team (Players), Legend (Coach), and Contributor.
Selection of Members
Candidates who exemplify the highest standards in sportsmanship, behavior, leadership, and character may be nominated at any time. Members are chosen by a committee appointed and chaired by the Athletic Director at Murray High School. Criteria for nomination include the following: Athletes must have graduated from and competed for MHS for a minimum of two years; they become eligible for selection and induction five years after graduating. Teams may be selected and inducted no earlier than five years after the achievements for which they are nominated. Legends are eligible to be selected five years after completing their terms; they must have coached at MHS for a minimum of five varsity seasons and contributed significantly to an athletic program. Contributors are eligible to be selected when nominated; they must have provided significant support to an athletic program for a minimum of five years. A maximum of four Athletes, one Team, one Legend, and one Contributor may be inducted in each year after the first.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2021
Through a gift from Ron and Doris Cella, an endowment has been established to fund awards for the benefit of the Murray Independent School District (MISD), to reflect their longstanding roles with MISD and Murray State University (MSU), to ensure continuation of the family’s association with education in Murray, and to support educational travel opportunities for future students. The fund will help MHS graduates who attend MSU participate in an education abroad program.
The intended purpose for the Cella Family Fund is to encourage and help graduates of Murray High School who attend MSU participate in a study abroad program. Earnings from the endowment will fund awards for said students toward that purpose. To the extent that the Purpose cannot be accomplished, such as due to dissolution of one or more of the institutions involved, the funds may be directed, with the approval of the Cella Family (not to be unreasonably withheld) to the nearest similar purpose reasonably available.
Application process
After applying for and meeting requirements to participate in an MSU Education Abroad program, graduates of MHS will be informed about and may apply for financial help from the fund. Applications will consist of a letter to the MISD Foundation’s Endowments Committee outlining the applicant’s reasons for studying abroad, the identifying details of the intended Education Abroad program, and how such study will support the applicant’s educational and life goals. The application should include the names and contact details of two current or former instructors who have agreed to provide a letter of reference. Applicants also shall provide transcripts from MHS and MSU and agree to provide a post trip narrative or visual report on their experience abroad within three months of their return.
Selection process
A Selection Committee consisting of a member of the Foundation’s Endowments Committee, a member of the MSU Education Abroad Office, and a member of the Cella family (comprised of Ron Cella, Doris Cella, Charles Cella, Laura Cella Hampton, Rachel Cella, and their heirs, or such other family members as one or more of them may designate by notice to the Foundation) will review applications, review letters of reference, select recipients, and determine the number and amounts of awards. The committee will consider character and achievements, anticipated life impact, and need, including financial need and other historical or current disadvantages. Applicants to CCSA programs will be favored where other factors are similar.
Award process
The foundation will transfer funds for awards to the Education Abroad program. If award recipients withdraw or fail to complete the program, unused funds will be returned to the foundation.
The Fund is to be managed by the MISD Foundation for Excellence. The founding gift will constitute the principal of the endowment, which shall be invested and shall not be invaded. The foundation will inform MSU officials each January how much is available to award. To the extent that the Selection Committee of the MISD Foundation for Excellence cannot operate or manage as designated above, such as due to dissolution or persistent unavailability of the designated membership, the selection process and management of funds may be administered by a subset of the Selection Committee or such other body that is dedicated to a similar purpose, such as by transferring funds to MSU to use for Education Abroad scholarships.
Established 2012
Murray High School has a long history of promoting foreign travel for its students. This endowment will provide continuing annual support for an award for a Murray High School student to participate in a foreign travel program guided by an MISD faculty member. The fund is named in honor of Debra Burgess and Sue Spann who set a standard for excellence that was in the finest tradition of Murray High School. Senorita Burgess taught Spanish and Latin at Murray High School for “72 years” (sic) from 1980-2012, Madame Spann taught French from 1982 to 2002. They also contributed extensively to the speech and theatre program. They inspired a love of language and learning (and a willingness to work) in those who came into contact with them and they led many students to a fulfilling involvement in foreign languages. A group of their former students and colleagues created this endowment in honor and appreciation of them. In 2014 Ms. Burgess was inducted into the Governor Louie B. Nunn Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame.
Debra Burgess and Sue Spann set a standard for excellence that was in the finest tradition of Murray High School. Senorita Burgess taught Spanish and Latin at Murray High School for “72 years” (sic) from 1980-2012, and Madame Spann taught French from 1982 to 2002. They also contributed extensively to the speech and theatre program. They inspired a love of language and learning (and a willingness to work) in those who came into contact with them and led a large number of students to a fulfilling involvement in foreign languages. A group of their former students and colleagues created this endowment in honor and appreciation of them.
Murray High School has a long history of promoting foreign travel for its students. This endowment will provide continuing annual support for awards to assist Murray High School students to participate in a foreign travel program guided by an MISD faculty member.
Conditions for recipients for the awards
The recipient of the scholarship must be a student who would not otherwise be able to engage in foreign travel. In the event that there is no suitable program or applicant the spendable amounts will be carried forward to the next year or added to the base amount of the fund as determined by the Foundation Endowments Committee in consultation with the language teachers.
Selection process
The recipient of this award will be determined by the Foundation Endowments Committee based on applications by the student which will include two letters of recommendation.
Management and amount
The fund will be managed by the MISD Foundation for Excellence, which may include a description of the fund in its publicity and invite additional contributions. All amounts contributed at the founding and at all later times shall constitute the principal which shall never be invaded. The spendable part of the annual increase shall be determined in accordance with the Foundation’s guidelines. If this produces an amount less than $1000 then no award will be made that year and all of the increase shall be retained in the fund. If the Foundation makes any award above the spendable amount, then the excess shall come from the Foundation’s general accounts.
Established 2007
The fund will provide support for students in the speech program who need assistance to participate in the program and for performances and other activities that would not be funded from normal sources. During his tenure as Murray High School’s Speech Coach, Mark Etherton was known for offering all students rich paths for personal development. The Etherton Speech Fund is devoted to ensuring that these doors remain open to future generations of eager and deserving students who want to “emulate the best.”
Mark Etherton held to the maxim above as he coached Speech and taught History and English at Murray High School for 24 years from 1976 to 2000. E, as he was affectionately known to his students, inspired a love of learning and a willingness to work in all who came into contact with him and he led many students to a fulfilling involvement with forensics. A group of his former students and colleagues created this endowment in honor and appreciation of him. Donations from the public are welcome.
Purpose of the fund
During his tenure as Murray High School’s Speech Coach, Mark Etherton was known for offering all students rich paths for personal development. The team succeeded not out of a simple desire to “win” but as a result of countless students over the years discovering inner strengths and talents while working to do their best. The Etherton Speech Fund seeks to honor and extend this legacy while ensuring that these opportunities will be open to all interested students at Murray High for many years to come. Resources from the fund will help make it possible for students of all economic backgrounds to participate fully in the speech program, assisting with travel and materials as needed. Those fortunate enough to have benefited already from the Murray High Speech Program–including under the guidance of Mark Etherton–know already how powerful these opportunities can be. The Etherton Speech Fund is devoted to ensuring that these doors remain open to future generations of eager and deserving students who want to “emulate the best”.
Guidelines for awards and grants
The fund will provide support for:
a) students in the speech program whose families are unable to fully support their participation in the program and
b) performances and other activities that would not be funded from normal sources.
Selection process for awards and grants
Grants will be made by the MISD Foundation Endowments Committee based on proposals made by the Speech Coach.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2007
This scholarship fund shall award the Murray State University Young Author’s Camp fee each year. The Clara Waldrop Griffin Humphrey Scholarship was established in 2007 to recognize and honor the outstanding teaching accomplishments of Mrs. Clara Waldrop Griffin Humphrey in the Murray Independent School District (MISD). Mrs. Humphrey’s commitment to teaching and dedication to her students earned her the distinction of being Kentucky’s Teacher of the Year in 1975. The successful applicant will be one who demonstrates a passion for writing and a commitment to personal achievement.
The Clara Waldrop Griffin Humphrey Scholarship was established in 2007 to recognize and honor the outstanding teaching accomplishments of Mrs. Clara Waldrop Griffin Humphrey in the Murray Independent School District (MISD). Mrs. Humphrey’s passion for teaching and dedication to her students earned her the distinction of being Kentucky’s Teacher of the Year in 1975.
The scholarship fund shall award the Murray State University Young Author’s Camp fee each year to up to two (2) MISD students from ages 8-12. The successful applicant will be one who demonstrates a passion for writing and a commitment to personal achievement. Need may also be considered.
Selection process for the award
The composition of the selection committee is specified in the “Declaration of Guidelines” on file with the MISD Foundation for Excellence. The application deadline for the following summer is March 15 and awards will be made by April 15.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 1992
Established as a memorial to Carl Keeslar and Mohamad Soltani, soccer player and coach respectively of the Murray High School team who lost their lives in separate auto accidents in 1991, the fund provides for presentation of a trophy each year to the MHS soccer player voted most valuable by teammates. The trophy is a sterling silver replica of one Coach Soltani created and presented to Carl Keeslar as the Most Valuable Player of 1987.
Carl Keeslar was a player on the Murray High School Boys Soccer Team from 1984 to 1987. Mohamad Soltani was an assistant coach of the Team from 1986 to 1990. At the end of the 1987 season, Mohamad presented Carl with a wooden sculpture that he had crafted recognizing Carl as the year’s most valuable player. A replica of this sculpture is given to the Most Valuable Player each year. Carl and Mohamad were killed in separate car crashes in 1991 and this fund was set up by their friends and families in honor of them and is funded by contributions from the public.
Each year the proceeds of this fund will be used to purchase the trophy given to the player named as the Most Valuable Player on the MHS Boys Soccer Team.
Selection process for the award
The selection process will be determined by the Coaches of the MHS Boys Soccer Team. The current process is that the selection will be made by the players themselves.
Management and amount
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2015
Established through a bequest from the estate of Joseph W. Parker to the MISD Foundation for Excellence, the fund is named in honor of Mr. Parker and his wife Madge Sledd Patterson Parker, who were graduates of Murray High School and long-time supporters and benefactors of the community of Murray and its schools. Earnings from the endowed fund will provide grants which encourage, support, and reward innovative teaching; develop and enrich academic programs for students; and purchase classroom equipment which enhances student learning.
The fund has been established through a bequest from the estate of Joseph W. Parker to the MISD Foundation for Excellence. It is named in honor of Mr. Parker and his wife Madge Sledd Patterson Parker, who were graduates of Murray High School and alumni of Murray College. Mr. Parker was a Marine Corps veteran of WWII and co-owner of Parker Ford-Lincoln, Inc. for almost 70 years. Mrs. Parker was employed at the Murray Chamber of Commerce and the Bank of Murray. Both were long-time supporters and benefactors of the First Baptist Church, the community of Murray, and its schools.
Earnings from the endowed fund will provide grants which encourage, support, and reward innovative teaching; develop and enrich academic programs for students; and purchase classroom equipment which enhances student learning
Selection of Recipients
Grants will be awarded on the basis of applications submitted by MISD personnel and reviewed by committees of the MISD Foundation for Excellence.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2008
The purpose of the Alumni Band Fund is to both recognize and reward music students in the Murray Independent School District (MISD) who show a willingness to put in long hours of conscientious work as members of the Marching and Concert Bands in a program that has won (and continues to win) numerous awards for outstanding performances in regional, state, and national competitions. Resources from this fund will help make it possible for students of all economic backgrounds to participate fully in all band activities, assisting with travel and instruments as needed and to the extent that funds allow. The Murray High School Marching Band has a tradition of excellence going back over 40 years. This fund will help ensure that all MISD music students have the opportunity to continue this tradition, with the leadership and character-building opportunities it provides.
Guidelines for awards and grants
This fund will provide support for:
a. students in the band programs whose families are unable to fully support their participation in the program, and
b. performances, trips, and other activities that would not be funded from normal sources.
Selection process for grants and awards
Grants will be made by the MISD Foundation Endowments Committee based on proposals made by the Band Director at Murray High School or the Murray Middle School Band Director.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 1995
This fund supports a technology related project by a teacher or staff member. The Technology Fund was initiated by Mark Schmidt, who graduated from Murray High School in 1975. Mr. Schmidt became a successful businessman and established this fund in appreciation for the major contribution that the Murray city schools had made to his success.
The Technology Fund was initiated by Mark Schmidt who graduated from Murray High School in 1975. Mr. Schmidt went on to become a successful businessman and contributed to this fund in appreciation for the major contribution that the Murray schools had made to his success.
The purpose of this fund is to support a technology related project by a teacher or staff member. The fund is intended to support a project that will introduce new ideas, equipment or software.
Conditions on recipients
The project should be directed toward the purpose of this fund and have promise that, if successful, it could be integrated into the normal school budget.
Selection process
The recipient is selected by a process developed by the Endowments committee of the Foundation.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.
Established 2008
This fund will provide a regular source of start up money for new ideas and methods in teaching which would not ordinarily be funded through the schools budget until their viability had been demonstrated. An example of the type of activities that this fund will support is the mini-grants program which is currently funded from operating funds. Examples of previously funded mini-grants may be found at mini-grants.
This fund was created by the Executive Committee of the Foundation to establish a continuing source of funds for new ideas and methods in teaching which would not ordinarily be funded through the school’s budget.
The purpose of this fund is to support projects by members of the MISD community that involve new ideas, equipment or software which would not ordinarily be funded through the school’s budget. It is anticipated that those projects which demonstrate their viability will be integrated into the school’s regular program. An example of the type of activities that this fund will support is the mini-grants program which is currently funded from operating accounts. If this fund is successful, then the undesignated donations in the operating accounts can be used for other pressing needs.
Conditions on recipients
The project should be directed toward the purpose of this fund and have promise that, if successful, it could be integrated into the normal school budget.
Selection process
The recipient is selected by a process developed by the Endowments Committee of the Foundation.
The MISD Foundation for Excellence shall administer accounts for the funds it has created. The foundation shall invest all contributions in a safe and prudent manner. The base or principal of each account consists of contributions and earnings and will be re-calculated periodically.
The foundation may disburse annual payments of as much as 4% from base accounts in order to fulfill the purposes for which the funds were created. Such disbursements will be to reserve accounts.
Donors may agree to provide a fixed amount to be awarded each year until earnings cover the cost. If donations cease before earnings are sufficient, the foundation may either reduce the amount of the award or continue to pay the fixed amount until the base is depleted, the account closed, and the fund dissolved.