
Eli & Sally Alexander Scholarship — Collin Wilson
Brad Barnett Scholarship — Phalon Richardson
James H. Boone Scholarship — Carson Tucker
Tommy Carroll Scholarship — Derryauna Hudspeth
Arvin and Martha Crafton Scholarship — Cejay Riley
Robert Glin Jeffrey Scholarship — Ashley Vonnahme
Connie Payne Scholarship — Eve Stark
Bob and Gayle Rogers Scholarship — Haleigh Cline
Jack and Janice Rose Scholarship — Clayton Bazzell
Allen Russell Scholarship — Miles Mitchell
Mary Ann Russell Scholarship — Emma Alexander

Clara Humphrey Scholars

Aurora Fritz – 3rd Grade – Ms. Workman
Layla Koebbe – 3rd grade – Ms. Workman
Liam Wilson – 3rd grade – Ms. Pittman
Asah Hubbard — 4th grade — Ms. Crider
Dorothy Weinberger — 4th grade — Ms. Crider
Devanshi Shastri — 6th grade — Ms. Higgins

Keeslar-Soltani Award

To be announced in November

Tuition Assistance Grants totaling $7000 have been approved during the last two years. Assistance for students will be provided by the Etherton Speech Fund and the Alumni Band Fund.